Fascination for this powerful sports car and successful design with clear lines - that is your Ford Mustang. Perhaps you have already thought about whether it is possible to increase the performance of the intercooler installed ex works? We say: This is possible! To do this, we have to explain briefly how the intercooler works: The combustion air is heated by the compression process. To cool it down again before combustion begins, you need an intercooler for your Mustang. The positive effect of this is that it results in a significantly increased oxygen content for the same volume. Why is that positive? Hot air has a much lower oxygen density than cold air, but the more oxygen can be made available for the combustion processes, the more efficiently they run. A Mustang intercooler, which optimizes the combustion process, ultimately results in even greater engine performance.
The primary aim of downsizing is to reduce the displacement of the internal combustion engine while maintaining its performance - in other words, it is desired that a downsized engine should deliver approximately the same power as an engine with a larger displacement through optimized combustion. So if you now use a smaller engine with less displacement, the intercooler for your Ford Mustang will be used to increase the efficiency of the combustion, which will be accompanied by an increase in engine power. An additional advantage is that the intercooler Mustang provides in such a way for a lower fuel consumption and reduces the pollutant output at the same time, whereby prescribed exhaust gas values can be kept better. The installation of an intercooler made by WAGNER TUNING is therefore worthwhile for your Mustang in several respects.
For more than 20 years WAGNER TUNING has been working successfully in the field of intercoolers: development, design, production - all from one source. And everything for the Mustang and of course all other models from Ford and other vehicle manufacturers. Through our constantly developing quality work, experience and expertise, we have become a global expert for intercoolers, downpipes and engine parts. And our success - despite all modesty - proves us right: We currently work with more than 3000 dealers worldwide, many of whom have been working with us for several years. In order to be able to fulfil order requests for intercoolers Mustang promptly, we have a large number of intercooler kits in stock in our warehouse, which you can order online. We would also like to recommend our collection of Wagner Clothing, which can also be ordered through our well-assorted online shop. Here you will find everything you need for your stylish appearance. We are looking forward to your order!